Testing, Testing
s a t u r d a y 2 5 j a n u a r y / 1 p m - 4 p m
s c r e e n f i l l e r t e c h n i q u e
animal themed silkscreen workshop with lijie and victoria
Play around with our animal themed designs and home friendly screen print technique
to create a stencil and have your finalized design be printed on a canvas bag!
Session Fee : $50.00 *
* Fee includes silkscreen ink, a squeegee, an A4 sized silkscreen frame, cartridge paper and a canvas tote.
No experience necessary! Bring along an apron to avoid the spills and dress down!
We will need 3 friends to start a class. Sign up now using the form below!
to create a stencil and have your finalized design be printed on a canvas bag!
Session Fee : $50.00 *
* Fee includes silkscreen ink, a squeegee, an A4 sized silkscreen frame, cartridge paper and a canvas tote.
No experience necessary! Bring along an apron to avoid the spills and dress down!
We will need 3 friends to start a class. Sign up now using the form below!